The Regency of Klungkung
The regency of Klungkung is almost in the middle of the island of Bali, consisting of flat plain and hilly regions with deep ravines. This region stretches to the coast of Nusa Penida a small island which is a part of the regency. Most of the populations are peasants who also make handicrafts while there are also laborers and fishermen. The Klungkung region was injuried by the eruption of the Gunung Agung Volcano In 1963, which left vast traces of black lava in the fields and rice-paddies.
The City of Klungkung or Semarapura
The capital of the regency of klungkung is called Semarapura. It is of the regency’s Government activities with many antigue buildings and art shop, 40 km from Denpasar.
Pura Goa Lawah
A pura at the beach of Pesinggahan, 6 km east of klungkung or 46 km from denpasar. This pura is from sadkhayangan, a remnant of the age when Empu Kulturan reigned Bali. It is located on the slope of a hill in a big cave (goa) with a stupa in it. It served as a place of worship for the Hindu Balinese in the Klungkung region on uku Medangsia once in every 7 months, on Tuesday Kliwon, and especially for those who have just finished the pitra jadnya (ngaben) ceremony which is called “Ngajar-ajar”. This ceremony is only performed at Puras located in the mountains or near the coast.
Pura Dasar
The Pura Dasar is located in the village of Gelgel, 3 km south of klungkung or 49 km from Denpasar. The cheerful piodalan ceremony which fall on the day of pemacekan agung takes places here once in every 7 month, namely on Monday Kliwon, uku Kuningan.
Pura Klotok
This pura is located on the beach of Klotik, 4 km south from Klungkung or 44 m from Denpasar. The piodalan ceremony is performed once in every 7 month on Monday Kliwon, uku Juluwangi the scenery is beautiful, the beach is flat and the pura is majestic.
Pura Agung Kentel Gumi
Located in the village of tusan west of klungkung and 47 km from Denpasar, this pura holds its piodalan ceremony on Thursday Umanis, uku Dungulan once in every 7 months the ceremony is joyous and scenery is breathtaking.
The Hall of Kerta Gosa
This hall is located in the middle of Klungkung, a remain from period of the Klungkung Kingdom (1710). It is a rectangle their reward according to their karmapala. This hall was formerly used as the conference hall and court of the king and his ministers. Its stairs are decorated with sculptures of dragons. In the middle of the hall there are antique chairs around aperada (gold water) which served throne for the king.
The Hall of Kambang (Gili Garden)
A storied hall on high place, surrounded by a pond, decorated with old Balinese sculptures and carvings. In front of this building the candi Bentar forms an entrance gate. This hall was used during the kingdom as a place for the princes and princesses for the ceremony of tooth filing and also as the place from which the king kept watch on his kingdom. At the upper side there is a wayang picture giving moral lessons to Hindu Dharma followers to make them a ware of rules of their religion and of the holiness which is the source of spiritual communication with Ida Sang Hyang widi Wasa.
Pura Timbrah
Pura Timbrah is located at Paksa village, 1 km east of Klungkung, 41 km from Denpasar. If the “Piodalan” ceremony is held which is one in every 7 months (on Saturday Kliwon, uku Kuningan) there is a cheerful ceremony. Six small houses called “Jempanan” Which are regarded as the place (lungguh) of the Gods are carried together by the joyful people who jump and dance awhile chasing each other. In this cheerful atmosphere some people are in trance and are dancing with their krises. They jab themselves repeatedly with their krises without hurting themselves in the least. This stage is considered the climax of the ceremony in which the gods of the Gunung Agung, Gunung Batur, Gunung Karu, Gunung Pulaki, ang others join in brotherly reunion.
The hill of Jambul
A beautiful hilly region located 7 km north of klungkung or 47 km from Denpasar, Jambul is known for its tufts of dense trees. Under these trees there is a beautiful temple. From the summit of the hill, we can see the rice fields and the rivers and the village down to the southern coast. The cluster of hotels at sanur is clearly visible and very beautiful at night.
36 km from Klungkung and 43 km From Denpasar, Kamasan is a centre for golden and silvery ornaments as well as classic paintings namely wayang pictures on cloth.
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