Gianjar regency
The Gianjar regency ic located in the middle of south Bali 30 km from Denpasar and has many historical sites and buildings. Most of the inhabitants are peasants who work on handicraft such as sculpturing, painting, and planting.
The City of Gianjar
The city of Gianjar rgency has a historic building (puri) and a busy market
The village of Bona
Bona village is well known for its plaiting, making hats, bags etc. from lontar (palm) leaves, besides the “Cak dan Sangyang” dance. Its is 27 km from Denpasar.
Blahbatuh village
Blahbatuh is a village 23 km from Denpasar where small golden statues are made as kris handles.
Ketewel village
The Barong dance is performed by the villagers of Ketewl in the middle of its authentic rural atmosphere, 18 km from Denpasar.
Batubulun village
The Batu bulun villagers also perfom the Barong dance before a beautiful carved pura. Their village is the center for the art of carving and sculpturing of sandy stone, 12 km from Denpasar.
Celuk village
Celuk is a Center for Silver and gold handicraft with specific Balinese carvings, 14 km from Denpasar.
Singapadu village
This is a village which performs Barong dance in front of its pura and also a centre for carving and sculpture, 14 km from Denpasar.
Kemenuh village
Kemenuh is a village performing the Cak art dance and is also a centre for wood carving, 23 km from Denpasar.
Peliatan village
Peliatan is a village performing the legong and cak dance and is a centre of Balinese art painting and wood carving, 21 km from Denpasar.
Mas village
This village is a center of the art of carving/sculpturing and there are many old and historic buildings (Pura’s and Puri’s) and many artisans live along the road, 19 km from Denpasar. There classical mask dance, wayang wong (Balinese/Javanese stage shows). Onde (fight of butterflies), janger, wayang and other dances performed here.
Ubud village
This is a village with many old historic buildings, famous for its handicraft. Carvings, painting, and weaving, it is also the residence of foreign painters.
Object in Ubud
The Puri of Ubud; a building in Balinese style, former royal residence during the period if the Balinese Kingdoms. This house is complete with a place for worship of the former king and has a pura building with very fine carvings in the pura. Penataran wirh its big and majestic gate built by a man named: Cokorde Gde Agung Sukawati.
Tourists can also be given board and lodging, particularly those who bring an introduction letter from a member of the big Cokarde family. There is also an antique-music club ni ubud called semar pengulingan which was possessed by the Balinese kings in former times. At certain times there are also schools for dancing which are attended by children of tourist who happen to be staying in the Puri of Ubud. There is also the Balinese Songket weaving industry and others around the puri there are arts hops for sculptures and carvings from the regions around ubud and there are Balinese style and modem hotels with efficient transportation and telecommunication facilities to Denpasar.
Campuhan ubud
A Beautiful scenery of rice fields and valley seen from a hill top with the former house of the well known artist R. Bonnet. There is also a breathtaking view from the former residence of the famous painter Walter Spies, which is built on a hill with a beautiful view to the Campuhan River. Campuhan is the contacting point of two big streams which is considered holy as a place to throw the ashes after cremation and also as a bathing place for magic power which is done once in every 15 days on the day of: “Kajeng Keliwon”.
Ubud village
A Beautiful view of the rice fields via the road to Pura Dalem Padang Tegal (small monkey forest) and a place to stroll on the roads in the morning or afternoon while looking at the lontar plaiters in the Nyuh Kuning village and painters around Padang Tegal and Pengosekan like anak Agung Gde Sobrat and Ida Bagus Made. The late I Gusti Nyoman Lempad lived also there.
The Museum of Ubud
The Puri Museum of paintings of Ratnawartha as a special exhibition of products of Balinese painters is also found in Ubud. It was built before the war on a hill that is located between two rivers which are much frequented by the surrounding population for drink water and for bathing, as they are considered to contain holy water for the gods during the performing of piodalan. You have to come to the museum by winding stair amidst a garden with many colored flowers, which make the air in the museum fresh and cool.
Pengasehan village
A village in which almost all the inhabitants are talented painters besides plaiters of lontar leaves, 20 km from Denpasar.
The beach of Masceti
A flat beach with a big pura, 37 km from Denpasar. There are big crowds during the Odalan ceremony.
The beach of Saba
The beach of Saba is a beach protruding into the sea with a unique Puraja and Forest, 38 km from Denpasar.
The hill of Dharma
On the hill is a sculpture of Mahendradatta, 33 km from Denpasar.
Goa Gajah
Goa Gajah or elephant cave is a cave for meditating with a swimming pool and old buildings in its surroundings, 26 km from Denpesar. The surrounding sceneries are very interesting, a road with steep slopes and ravines. Around the cave there are art shops selling handicrafts like hats, and bags made from coconut shells.
Pura Gaduh
Pura gaduh is a pura which dates from the kingdom of bedahulu of the XV century, 24 km from Denpasar.
Pura Penataran Sasih
This is a big pura of sadkahyangan which is a ruin from ancient times, 27 km from Denpasar. Piodalan ceremonies are held on Wednesday Keliwon uku Pahang.
Pura Pusering Jagat
An ancient tempele built around a strone container whose walls are decorated with carvings depicting myths from the Hindu epic, the Mahabrata, at Pemutaran Nagagiri, 36 km from Denpasar.
Pura Tirta Empul
Pura Tirta Empul is a big pura with beautiful scenery. In the center of the pura is a well with clear water which is considered holy. The piodalan ceremony is on Tuesday Wage Uku Natal. Around said pura many people sell carvings of bone or ivory and on the top of the hill there is the Presidential palace Tampak Siring, which is the name of the nearby village; 36 km from Denpasar.
Pura Gunung Kawi
This is a hilly region where old temples are found. On its steep slope is the village of Tampak Siring, 39 km from Denpasar.
The Village of Payangan
Payangan is a village located in a mountainous area where vegetables and fruit ae produced including the sweet litchi fruits. This village also performs the legong dance. It is 40 km from Denpasar.
The Village of Sebatu
Sebatu is a village in the mountain with cool air, with an authentic, old rural structure, handicrafts of carving and sculptures and plaiting of cover for offerings. Nearby there is a beautiful pura with a fine water spout and a pond in the middle with terraced rice fields and steep slopes. In the middle of the village, there is big pura. It is 40 km from Denpasar. The famous sculptor-Cokot originates from this region (the village of jati near Sebatu)
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